The Shared Table has been funded by Metro North Hospital and Health Service, LINK Innovation Fund and is a partnership between The Queensland Eating Disorder Service, Eating Disorders Queensland and Child and Youth Mental Health Service EDP.
Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)
Evidence-based Day Program for Eating Disorder Treatment
Outpatient clinic providing CBT-E and SSCM therapy
Provides support and information for health professionals in inpatient and outpatient services
Specialist Consultation service and clinic assessment service. Providing diagnostic clarification, treatment advice and feedback recommendations for ongoing management or referral to the health professional or health service. Facilitation of tertiary referrals to specialist inpatient services
Education and training to health professionals and health services on a state-wide basis
Research and evaluation
Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)
Provides counselling for individuals living with an eating disorder
Offers Carer Coaching for people supporting a loved one
Provides peer mentoring programs for individuals and carers
Group Therapy for individuals recovering from an eating disorder
Support Groups for individuals and carers
Community Table – Peer Support and meal wellbeing
Workshops for carers including skills based training
Child & Youth Mental Health Service, Eating Disorder Program (CYMHS EDP)
Provides assessment and evidence-based treatment of under 18yr olds with a primary diagnosis of an eating disorder, local and statewide (Queensland)
Second opinions around eating disorder cases for CYMHS services, local and statewide (face to face and tele health)
Consultation with medical professionals (GP and specialists) and hospital services
Provide training and education for assessment and treatment of under 18yr old’s with eating disorders
Provide assessment/recommendations for ongoing treatment/follow-up for co-morbid conditions upon discharge from our service
Before you get started:
This training has been designed for you to work through it at your own pace. You are welcome to take the time to read, listen and view things more than once.
Registering for the training allows you to continue to access it for as long as you need to. If you find you are not in a place to complete the training now, it will still be there when you decide to revisit it.
The reflection exercises with the training are to assist you in sorting through your own thoughts about meal support and what you are finding helpful and unhelpful in your individual circumstances. They are not compulsory, however we do encourage you to take the time and give them a go.
Wherever possible, talk with the member/s of your loved one’s treatment team about your involvement in this training.
It might take a while to work out which strategies and skills feel right for your individual circumstances. If you can, talk with your loved one about what is most helpful to them during the stages of meal support.
You may need to try things more than once. Sometimes what doesn’t get a positive response today, might get a positive response tomorrow or in a few weeks.
Your use of verbal and non- verbal communication skills may vary according to your individual situation. For example, if you are supporting a partner with an eating disorder the way in which you communicate will be different to a parent supporting a child.
This training is not only about helping you gain knowledge and skills it is also about improving your confidence around meal support.
Supporting a loved one with an eating disorder is challenging. Admitting your own vulnerability and asking for help or support if you need it is important for your own wellbeing and that of your family. So be sure to check in with yourself. If at any time you are finding things overwhelming, triggering or frustrating – take the time to acknowledge that and have a break. If you would like to talk with someone contact an EDQ Carer Coach by calling 07 3844 6055 or emailing[email protected].
The content for The Shared Table is available to read and listen to. It is our recommendation that you do both.
You can click the audio button at the beginning of each module and read along with the narration.
If you would like to listen to the material while engaged in other activities, playlists are available in the Additional Resources section.
The Shared Table has been funded by Metro North Hospital and Health Service, LINK Innovation Fund and is a partnership between The Queensland Eating Disorder Service, Eating Disorders Queensland and Child and Youth Mental Health Service EDP.
Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)
Evidence-based Day Program for Eating Disorder Treatment
Outpatient clinic providing CBT-E and SSCM therapy
Provides support and information for health professionals in inpatient and outpatient services
Specialist Consultation service and clinic assessment service. Providing diagnostic clarification, treatment advice and feedback recommendations for ongoing management or referral to the health professional or health service. Facilitation of tertiary referrals to specialist inpatient services
Education and training to health professionals and health services on a state-wide basis
Research and evaluation
Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)
Provides counselling for individuals living with an eating disorder
Offers Carer Coaching for people supporting a loved one
Provides peer mentoring programs for individuals and carers
Group Therapy for individuals recovering from an eating disorder
Support Groups for individuals and carers
Community Table – Peer Support and meal wellbeing
Workshops for carers including skills based training
Child & Youth Mental Health Service, Eating Disorder Program (CYMHS EDP)
Provides assessment and evidence-based treatment of under 18yr olds with a primary diagnosis of an eating disorder, local and statewide (Queensland)
Second opinions around eating disorder cases for CYMHS services, local and statewide (face to face and tele health)
Consultation with medical professionals (GP and specialists) and hospital services
Provide training and education for assessment and treatment of under 18yr old’s with eating disorders
Provide assessment/recommendations for ongoing treatment/follow-up for co-morbid conditions upon discharge from our service
Before you get started:
This training has been designed for you to work through it at your own pace. You are welcome to take the time to read, listen and view things more than once.
Registering for the training allows you to continue to access it for as long as you need to. If you find you are not in a place to complete the training now, it will still be there when you decide to revisit it.
The reflection exercises with the training are to assist you in sorting through your own thoughts about meal support and what you are finding helpful and unhelpful in your individual circumstances. They are not compulsory, however we do encourage you to take the time and give them a go.
Wherever possible, talk with the member/s of your loved one’s treatment team about your involvement in this training.
It might take a while to work out which strategies and skills feel right for your individual circumstances. If you can, talk with your loved one about what is most helpful to them during the stages of meal support.
You may need to try things more than once. Sometimes what doesn’t get a positive response today, might get a positive response tomorrow or in a few weeks.
Your use of verbal and non- verbal communication skills may vary according to your individual situation. For example, if you are supporting a partner with an eating disorder the way in which you communicate will be different to a parent supporting a child.
This training is not only about helping you gain knowledge and skills it is also about improving your confidence around meal support.
Supporting a loved one with an eating disorder is challenging. Admitting your own vulnerability and asking for help or support if you need it is important for your own wellbeing and that of your family. So be sure to check in with yourself. If at any time you are finding things overwhelming, triggering or frustrating – take the time to acknowledge that and have a break. If you would like to talk with someone contact an EDQ Carer Coach by calling 07 3844 6055 or emailing[email protected].
The content for The Shared Table is available to read and listen to. It is our recommendation that you do both.
You can click the audio button at the beginning of each module and read along with the narration.
If you would like to listen to the material while engaged in other activities, playlists are available in the Additional Resources section.
Type in a password – it will need to be strong eg. at least 12 characters consisting of upper and lower case letters, symbols, eg !@# and numbers 1,2,3 etc
After registering you will receive an email to the email address that you entered into the Email field of the Registration box from EDQ Shared Table <[email protected]> with the subject line [The Shared Table] Login Details.Keep this email for future reference as it contains your username which you will need to login or if you need to reset your password.
The Shared Table has been funded by Metro North Hospital and Health Service, LINK Innovation Fund and is a partnership between The Queensland Eating Disorder Service, Eating Disorders Queensland and Child and Youth Mental Health Service EDP.
Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)
Evidence-based Day Program for Eating Disorder Treatment
Outpatient clinic providing CBT-E and SSCM therapy
Provides support and information for health professionals in inpatient and outpatient services
Specialist Consultation service and clinic assessment service. Providing diagnostic clarification, treatment advice and feedback recommendations for ongoing management or referral to the health professional or health service. Facilitation of tertiary referrals to specialist inpatient services
Education and training to health professionals and health services on a state-wide basis
Research and evaluation
Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)
Provides counselling for individuals living with an eating disorder
Offers Carer Coaching for people supporting a loved one
Provides peer mentoring programs for individuals and carers
Group Therapy for individuals recovering from an eating disorder
Support Groups for individuals and carers
Community Table – Peer Support and meal wellbeing
Workshops for carers including skills based training
Child & Youth Mental Health Service, Eating Disorder Program (CYMHS EDP)
Provides assessment and evidence-based treatment of under 18yr olds with a primary diagnosis of an eating disorder, local and statewide (Queensland)
Second opinions around eating disorder cases for CYMHS services, local and statewide (face to face and tele health)
Consultation with medical professionals (GP and specialists) and hospital services
Provide training and education for assessment and treatment of under 18yr old’s with eating disorders
Provide assessment/recommendations for ongoing treatment/follow-up for co-morbid conditions upon discharge from our service
Before you get started:
This training has been designed for you to work through it at your own pace. You are welcome to take the time to read, listen and view things more than once.
Registering for the training allows you to continue to access it for as long as you need to. If you find you are not in a place to complete the training now, it will still be there when you decide to revisit it.
The reflection exercises with the training are to assist you in sorting through your own thoughts about meal support and what you are finding helpful and unhelpful in your individual circumstances. They are not compulsory, however we do encourage you to take the time and give them a go.
Wherever possible, talk with the member/s of your loved one’s treatment team about your involvement in this training.
It might take a while to work out which strategies and skills feel right for your individual circumstances. If you can, talk with your loved one about what is most helpful to them during the stages of meal support.
You may need to try things more than once. Sometimes what doesn’t get a positive response today, might get a positive response tomorrow or in a few weeks.
Your use of verbal and non- verbal communication skills may vary according to your individual situation. For example, if you are supporting a partner with an eating disorder the way in which you communicate will be different to a parent supporting a child.
This training is not only about helping you gain knowledge and skills it is also about improving your confidence around meal support.
Supporting a loved one with an eating disorder is challenging. Admitting your own vulnerability and asking for help or support if you need it is important for your own wellbeing and that of your family. So be sure to check in with yourself. If at any time you are finding things overwhelming, triggering or frustrating – take the time to acknowledge that and have a break. If you would like to talk with someone contact an EDQ Carer Coach by calling 07 3844 6055 or emailing[email protected].
The content for The Shared Table is available to read and listen to. It is our recommendation that you do both.
You can click the audio button at the beginning of each module and read along with the narration.
If you would like to listen to the material while engaged in other activities, playlists are available in the Additional Resources section.